Een Amerikaan, Sean Johnson, mocht van zijn vrouw niet meer zoveel elektronica kopen.
De iPhone was voor hem dus ook verboden.
Toen hij ‘heel toevallig’ langs een AT&T winkel reed kon hij het niet laten en kocht hij de iPhone.
Toen zijn vrouw hem vroeg hoe veel hij er voor over had, had hij er wel héél veel voor over.
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Steun iPhoned
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Dit is wat hij erover zei:
I openly admit to being an Apple Fanboy to the extreme. In fact, my wife had me agree to an annual budget for all of my electronic purchases…then came the iPhone announcement in January. I was smitten. Problem: my budget is already spent, my Sprint contract was in force through December. My loving wife agreed to let me get the iPhone (and not have the cost deducted from my “toy” budget) if I would wait until the Sprint contract expired.
The iPhone goes on sale…..
On a road trip with my kids (wife was at home with baby) I arrived at 10:50 pm in Boise. Next door (okay I had to drive around a bit) to the hotel was an AT&T store. I went in to just take a peek at the Jesus Phone…needless to say, I left the store with a brand new 4GB iPhone. I callled my wife with good news and bad news. Good: We arrived in Boise safely. Bad: I bought an iPhone.
The very next morning I returned the iPhone. I was angry, depressed, insulted…you get the point. My wife joined me in Denver the next day…but I was reluctant to even speak with her (you know, pouting). Noticing my sadness (obsession) she inquired “How badly do you want the phone?”. I let her know that I wanted it very, very badly. She asked me if I’d be willing to finally make that appointment for a vasectomy?
I absolutely love my new 8GB iPhone.
Steun iPhoned
Je gebruikt een adblocker. Dat vinden we jammer, want advertenties hebben we nodig om onze artikelen gratis aan te bieden. Steun iPhoned door ons aan je whitelist toe te voegen. Alvast bedankt!